Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Man Who Saves the World (aka The Turkish Star Wars)

Whoa!  Got to see the Turkish Star Wars tonight.  They call it that because they stole lots of the footage from Star Wars.  Like literally, they stole reels and spliced them in here to make a movie.  The story has nothing to do with Star Wars.  They used some of the same score, and they also used score from Indiana Jones and Flash Gordon.  Welcome to exploitation Turkish cinema.  Fantastic Fest 2015 focused on this.  They showed this movie and two other ones plus the documentary: Remake, Remix, and Ripoff.  This was very bad and campy but it made it good.  I had to put myself in the right state of mind and with munchies to enjoy this to the fullest.  And that I did.  Laughed my ass off during the scenes between our hero and the love interest.  They always put the Princess Leia song during those moments.  First 20 minutes were the space scenes (Star Wars footage) then the rest was on Earth in the desert.  I enjoyed it but nothing I would see again.
In the mood for a cheesy terrible exploitation flick?  This might do it for you. At your own risk.