Monday, May 31, 2010


Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is John Carpenter.
My goal was to see five films I've never seen before
by Carpenter.
This month I saw:
Assault on Precinct 13
The Fog
The Thing
and the fifth one is:

This was okay. I believe this is Carpenter's fourth alien film
(if you count Christine).
A little entertaining.
It was interesting seeing "The Dude" playing an alien.
I couldn't tell if this was Carpenter or not.

And now the list for my most favorite Carpenter film
to least favorite (from what I've seen).
1. The Thing
2. Big Trouble in Little China
3. Halloween
4. Escape from New York
5. Assault on Precinct 13
6. They Live
7. Christine
8. The Fog
9. Prince of Darkness
10. Elvis
11. Starman
12. Village of the Damn
13. Escape From L.A.