Friday, May 28, 2010

Five Deadly Venoms / Circle of Iron

Friday at the Grindhouse Presents:

(Two kung fu flicks from 1978)

Five Deadly Venoms
Another Shaw Brothers classic.
At first, the story was not interesting, but
it picks little by little.
About halfway through, I felt that this was
one bad ass kung fu movie.
Good solid story with some decent acting.
For the sake of grindhouse night, I saw the english dubbed
version. But, recently, Dragon Dynasty released it
on DVD with the original language.
Can't wait to see that again.
That's a must buy for kung fu fans.

Circle of Iron
At first, I didn't think this was a kung fu picture.
By the time I finished it, I was convinced.
This was written by Bruce Lee.
I enjoyed this a lot.
There was some cheesy scenes,
but there was a lot of memorable scenes.
This is so underrated.
Maybe, people were disappointed because
there wasn't that many action scenes.
The movie wasn't about the physical part of kung fu,
it was about the spiritual side.

Everyone kicked ass on here.
David Carradine plays the flute (Kill Bill referenced this).
Another must buy for fans of classic martial arts.

For more on Grindhouse flicks check out:
The Grindhouse Database