Sunday, April 25, 2010


Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is David Cronenberg.
Earlier today, I saw The Dead Zone.
Tonight, I wrap up this month's director
with one of his earliest cult masterpiece:

A little trippy with a grindhouse feel.
Enjoyed it.
Famous head explosion of the early 80's.
I saw Cronenberg's style big time in here.
Most of his films have to do with transformation, changes,
and/or deformities of the human body.
And this is no exception.
Another kudos.

I've become more of a fan of this director after
having seeing most of his films.
I'll eventually see his other films that I didn't
get a chance to see yet (Rabid, Naked Lunch, and etc.).

In my opinion, Cronenberg does not have a bad film
(at least on the ones I've seen).
So, here's my most favorite to least favorite:
Eastern Promises
The Fly
A History of Violence
The Brood
The Dead Zone
Dead Ringers