Friday, August 9, 2013


Manborg IMDb
Very stupidly awesome Sci-Fi movie from Canada.  Stupidly awesome?  Is that an oxymoron?  Well, that describes how I feel about this movie.  I first heard about this at Fantastic Fest in 2011.  I like that they purposely went all the way with the cheesiness dialogue and special effects, VHS quality, and bad dubbing.  Even the dubbed voices don't even fit with the character.  I know there some movies out there that go for the same style: throwback to low budget 80's sci flicks.  Sometimes they get annoying.  This one got me on a good mood.  It's a low budget Robocop thrown in a post apocalyptic world shot mostly in green screen with lots of demons and all under 70 minutes long.  I like that some special effects look like they were done with clay.  That may be the case.  Reminds me of the "Three Little Pigs" video by Green Jelly.  I would buy this if I see this on sale but not in a hurry.  Manborg is my hero for today.