Thursday, August 15, 2013


Antiviral IMDb
Now this was unexpectedly good.  Another Fantastic Fest veteran here.  Directed by David Cronenberg's son (Brandon Cronenberg).  I thought this was going to be uninteresting but I was wrong.  It kept me intrigued.  The whole thing was good.  Not great but good.  The plot to this sci-fi horror is crazy.  Our main character is a weird guy who works at this clinic where people with celebrity obsessions go to get diseases that their favorite stars have.  Crazy, huh?  The plot thickens when our main character obtains a deadly virus from the main celebrity in the movie.  Twists and turns and more weird stuff happens.  If this is the future, I am ready to die cause I don't want to see any crazy fans paying to get warts from Justin Bieber.