Saturday, October 31, 2009


Good start for Halloween.
Thanks to my friend Mike, who hooked us with some tickets,
we got to see this zombie flick.
We brought a whole box of Twinkies and we ate
them as they referenced them in the movie.
My favorite part is the beginning. Good starting credits.
I like all the music on here, like "Im So Lonesome..." by Hank Williams.
The concept is good.
The comedy is alright, it gets not so funny as we move along.
I still don't like the main actor, Jesse Eisenberg.
He plays the usual role.
Woody Harrelson is bad ass, though.
The zombie kills were awesome.
I like the rules and the way they show them on the screen.

All in all, good zombie entertainment.
Don't expect a good comedy like Shaun of the Dead.
Expect a decent action film with some comedy.
P.S. Bad ass cameo from the dude from Groundhog Day.
That whole scene was hilarious.