Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Four of the Apocalypse

Spaghetti Western Night
[To gain more knowledge of this genre,
every third Wednesday of each month,
I watch a spaghetti western film that I haven't seen before.]

Four of the Apocalypse
This spaghetti western is directed by italian horror
director, Lucio Fulci.
Sad to say, but I was fairly disappointed.
It's not a traditional spaghetti western.
I was expecting some kind of revenge story
and little bit of violence, at least that's what
the cover and description promised.
What I got is four different people walking
in the desert with a stupid song.
The only bad ass part was when we first meet
Tomas Milian's character. All the scenes
with his character are awesome.
He plays this cold blooded motherplucker really good.
The story drags on and on. For example,
towards the end we have about 20 minutes focusing
on this baby. Just threw me out.

Don't recommended. Grade: D
(It would of been an "F" if this did not include Milian's performance)