Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diary of the Dead

I been having an appetite for zombie flicks lately.
Maybe because it's Halloween season.
But still have not seen Zombieland. Dammit.
I'm missing out.
Well, I decided to see this one.
A lot of people told me this one is not a good movie.
So I went in with very low expectations.
I had to see it just to catch up on George Romero.
Did I like it? Of course I didn't.
I agree with the people. This was kind of disappointing.
I didn't like these actors one bit.
The gore was okay. Nothing special.
Though, I do like the ending shot where we see this half of a girl's head
hanging from a rope.
I didn't like the concept of the whole thing.
It should of been more low budget style and more shakey
to make it more believable.

Grade: D+