Dead Alive
Believe it or not this gory zombie film is directed by Peter Jackson.
This was freaking funny as hell.
A lot of gore as well as a lot of cheesy moments.
The only part I didn't like as much, but still very
bizarre, was the ending. But the whole thing was one
crazy trip. It never took itself seriously.
The zombies got all started because of some infected rat monkey.
This is now one of my favorite zombie films of all time.
Grade: A- (for a kick ass zombie film)
Must have.
I was curious about this one for a few weeks now.
It came out on dvd last month.
The story is very original.
This is not your typical zombie film.
There's no zombie infections spreading around.
In fact, all in all, there was around 3-4 zombies in the whole movie.
The main one is this one dead girl these high school kids find.
They decide to use her to their advantage.
Crazy shit happens.
One hour into the movie, she bites the first victim.
That victim feels the effect but we never see him turning into
a zombie. This is one of those movies that aim towards a high school audience.
I didn't like some of the actors.
I didn't like the way it ended.
There was some good scenes here and there.
But, all I was waiting for, was some kind of zombie invasion.
Kudos for an original story. Just wished the direction
would of been better. I wish they would of explained
what happen to the main dead girl.
Grade: C+