Well, shit! This was a little better than expected but I feel that it ruins the franchise. As in most time travel movies, this got a little complicated but then I started getting it after a while. Kudos on creating a very unlikeable villain. A more advanced version of the T-1000 but what pissed me off the most is that (spoiler alert stop reading) they made John fucking Connor play that villain. Totally ruins it and my respect for the character is now lost. Damn you, Skynet. Damn you in finally beating John Connor and turning him to an evil advanced Terminator. Arnold is back and he is goofier than ever. At least those cheesy moments did something. Cool as a Time Travel movie but only if it wasn't the Terminator franchise. And yes, you must be familiar with the other Terminator movies for this one, especially part one and part two. Not recommended.
4 out of 10