Thursday, February 7, 2013

Forbidden City Cop

Forbidden City Cop IMDb
Decided to watch the only film left that I haven't seen that's directed by Stephen Chow.   This is his weirdest movie yet.  It is also my least favorite but that's not necessarily bad.  I enjoyed some of the cheesy moments.  Like a bunch of ninjas doing a little dance before attacking the doctors.  This has kung fu all over it as well.  This was very cartooney.  A lot of exaggerated stuff.  The story wasn't overall funny.  There was some funny stuff and a lot of not so funny stuff.  It was a little too weird for Stephen Chow and that's a bold statement, I guess. There was the guy that had two bodies (one of them is girl with an annoying laughter.)  There was our main villain who has no face.  Yup, there was some bizarre characters.  This is almost like one of them weird over the top Japanese movies.  But, I did have a good time with it.