Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Amour IMDb
Sweet but a little too long.  A lot of scenes could of been shorter while still keeping the message.  This movie made me not want to get old at all. I mean, I already don't see me getting old.  This movie just made the fears even worse.  It's a tragedy that we all start breaking down after a while. This is from director Michael Haneke.  The guy responsible for the original and remake of Funny Games.  This movie here is nominated for Best Picture and Best Foreign.  I'm pretty sure it's going to win the latter.  Me, personally, didn't feel this movie was all that.  The ending was kind of done before in certain movies.  Did like some moments and a lot of the shots.  The experience was also good watching this for the first time at the Violet Crown Cinema theatre in Austin.  The food was and place is a little too fancy but the actual theatre room was small and cute.  Good movie to see with some tea on a given morning.