Saturday, February 9, 2013


Flight IMDb
This was a very good movie.  A little predictable towards the end there.  I kind of had that feeling what was going to happen.  Good story, though.  I was hooked on the dialogue and performances.  And what about John Goodman? He was in about three scenes but one of those scenes was badass.  If I ever need cocaine, I want that guy to take care of me.  And when he comes to deliver, I better hear my favorite Rolling Stones song playing (Sympathy for the Devil).  I like Denzel Washington's performance.  I got into his character.  There was a scene that he had to decide to drink or not and drinking will jeopardize his hearing, that scene pissed me off when he decided to go open that bottle.  I mean, if I was in his shoes I would open that bottle after when I don't have to worry about no hearing.  But, it's all part of the story. It became a little preachy there in the last part.  The ending was a little emotional too. Worth buying.  Maybe I should start an Airplane section.  Maybe.