Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Declare War (2012)


Screening #13:

I Declare War
I love this movie.
Can I say that again?
I love this movie.
These are the kinds of movies I go to Fantastic Fest for.
Sure, maybe they'll come out on DVD one day.
But, seeing this on the big screen and with a whole
bunch of genre fans, make this priceless.
This is a movie from 
At first this seems like Son of Rambow (which I totally love),
but this is a beast on its own.
Kids playing war and lots of weapons and crazy moments?
Hell yeah.
And there's a lot of cussing going on here.
The dialogue was funny!
I was laughing and moving my body with excitement
as the movie played.
Love the style.
Love the rules of this war.
This movie is about friendship, betrayal, love, and a bunch
of water balloons filled with blood.
These kids all did a great job.
I haven't seen a good kid performance in a while.
A must have movie from Canada.
Hope they get distribution soon so I can see it again.

The Co-Director and Producer for the movie were present: