Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Flicker (2012)


Screening #25:

This Sweden movie was pretty funny.
It was a nice blend of dark comedy and a
cute comedy (if that exists).
They say this is the Office Space of Sweden.
It's kinda like it but in another level.
It's not a laugh out loud hilarious movie like Office Space.
But, it's definitely one of those movies where you can
relate if you work for a major corporation.
Depressing but loveable characters make for a
good laugh in their situations.
My favorite is the lady who is scared of spiders.
It was a hit at the festival.
I saw this at midnight and my brain was all fried out by then.
But, I still managed to like it somewhat.
It didn't suck.
Maybe, next time I'll be more alert and might like it a lot more.