Tuesday, January 20, 2015

14 Blades

Saw this Donnie Yen Action/Kung Fu Period film last night.  It was shown at Fantastic Fest years back.  I saw that Netflix had it so I said, "fuck it!"  It was pretty good.  Love all the fast action sequences.  Actually, I was surprised that there were a lot of action scenes on here.  Never a dull moment.  The story was okay.  But, sometimes I don't see these kinds of movies for the story.  Sometimes I see them to see some ass kicking and neck slicing scenes.  And that's what I got here.  Good old Chinese action flick.  My favorite character wasn't even the badass main character played by Donnie Yen.  It was this other character that we meet after halfway through.  This leader of this bandit squad that ends up helping our main character out towards the end.
This one is worth watching on Netflix.  Not to buy but to watch some fast blade action sequences.

Had me some Chinese Take-Out (Hot and Spicy Pork) and Hot Tea during this movie.