Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Western Wednesday: Hang 'Em High

Awesome.  Probably my favorite western I've seen this year.  I think this is Clint Eastwood's first major Western role.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love revenge films?  Well, I fucking do a lot.  And this here is a revenge film.  Right in the beginning, a group of 9 no good idiots spot Eastwood's character and they think he's responsible for a double murder and for stealing cattle.  Well, instead of taking him to be tried, they beat him and hang him.  But, they made one fatal mistake, they should have made sure he was completely dead before taking off.  Thank goodness they didn't because I was in for an awesome ride.  I noticed a few technical errors but fuck it, I ain't going to complain.  I love the story and that's it.  Bruce Dern is in it and he plays a mean son of a bitch.  He's the guy that comes out in a cameo in Django Unchained and he's the main character in the movie, Nebraska.
Definitely adding this to my Western section.  Highly recommended if you haven't seen it.