Monday, September 28, 2009

Adam Resurrected

Adam Resurrected
At first the story was interesting.
We go back in forth from the mental institution to
the concentration camps during WW2.
Then slowly, I was getting tired of it.
This is a slow drama. Nothing wrong with being
slow for this kind of movie, but the way they edited
wasn't flowing right for me.
I lost interest about halfway through.
I said to myself, if they were to put all the WW2 stuff
in the first half, and the hospital stuff in the second half
with some flashbacks, I would of liked the movie.
Jeff Goldblum was okay.
I liked William Dafoe as a nazi commander.
The director is Paul Schrader, who wrote
Taxi Driver and Rolling Thunder.
That was the reason I wanted to see this movie,
plus being partially a WW2 flick as well.

Grade: C- for some good performances but not
so interesting storytelling.