Thursday, September 24, 2009

7 Soles

[To explore cinema from all over the world,
every 4th Thursday of every month I see a Foreign Film
that I haven't seen before. Any film that is not American or Asian.]

Foreign Film Thursday Presents:

7 Soles
This is a drama from Mexico.
Although I like the message and some of the concept,
the film was a little disappointing.
The actors were acting more like a theatre play,
therefore, the characters weren't that believable in film.
They tend to exaggerate in their performances.
The story itself is believable because these things happen everyday.
The only thing that bothered me with the story was
that one coyote was being too nice on one scene and
a total a-hole in the next scene (ex: rape scene).

Better movies to watch for this kind of story would be:
El Norte, Mi Familia, Sin Nombre, and Under the Same Moon.
I don't recommend this one.
Grade: D