Tuesday, July 29, 2014


This movie had a great premise.  What if you watch a movie one day and you spot an actor in the background and that actor looks 100% like you?  That would be trippy, huh?  That is what happens here.  When the two identical people meet, they have the exact same features and scars.   This movie sounded good but it was kind of a downer.  Not downer as in this movie makes you feel like shit but more like this movie gets you bored and you just want something exciting to happen.  Nothing exciting happens.  It's just Jake Gyllenhaal tripping on himself throughout the whole thing.  Oh, and they trick each other's girlfriends.   That's it. Play the same score over and over and you got yourself a movie.  It wasn't for me.
Not recommended.   I am out of words. Time to see another movie. Yes, more movies,  more movies.