Monday, October 7, 2013

Samurai Monday: Samura II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple

Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple IMDb
The "samurai novela" continues.  I saw part one to this last month.  Good solid samurai drama.  This one delivers the same thing.  Very good story.  Kept me interested in the characters and in their future.  Didn't like that the battle scenes were weak.  There was hardly any blood or good fighting.  Right when there's bound to be some bloodshed, it goes to another scene.  But, I enjoyed this a lot for its dramatic story, not for the swords.  We got now three woman in love with our samurai.  Damn!  Soap opera deluxe.  I love the way this ended, though.  I'm pumped for the third movie next month.  So far, so good.  After the third one, I'll see if these movies are worth buying or good movies to recommend, or a movie to watch once.  For sure, they are not lower than that.  Had me hot tea and "bloody pastries" (strawberry mini streudels) with this one.