Breaking and Entering
I like this drama.
I didn't think I was going to like it.
It took me a while to see.
But it was sitting in the "movies that I own but haven't seen" shelf.
I have a rule that every movie that I buy,
I must place it on this certain shelf.
After watching that particular movie,
then I place it with the rest of my collection.
Back to my short comments on this movie:
It got my attention majority of the time.
The ending was so and so.
I didn't know this movie had a lot of actors that I like.
Well, one actor that I admire a lot is Ray Winstone.
My favorite movie with him is a Gangster film called, Sexy Beast
(which I highly recommend).
He plays a detective in this movie here, but,
his role is kind of small.
Good performances here.
The Bosnian lady was pretty cool.
And Vera Farmiga playing a prostitute? Pretty crazy.
Good decent drama.