Moonrise Kingdom
This movie won me over right by the first frame.
Wes Anderson, you gotta love him.
This is the same style and feeling like his other films.
Very cool moving shots almost throughout the whole thing.
I knew I was going to love this movie.
This is one of my most anticipated movies this year.
They were some laughs.
A lot of cute moments.
Everybody was great:
the kid with one eye, the social services lady,
the historian, and of course our two main characters:
the boy and the girl he falls in love with.
My favorite moment:
The boy and girl dance weirdly to a 60's song
right by the water. Best dance sequence since Pulp Fiction
(that I remember).
The Jason Schwartzman cameo was awesome too.
Not one thing I didn't like.
I didn't want this one to end.
Very sophisticated and fun Wes Anderson movie with kids
running the show.
Can't wait to own this movie.
My favorite movie so far this year.
Glad I saw it on the big screen.