Every third Thursday I'll comment on a
home invasion movie I've never seen before.
When I saw Kidnapped from Spain last year,
I decided to start a home invasion section for my collection.
Might as well do a special on this.
Mother's Day
Badass Home Invasion movie.
I loved it a lot.
Lots of unexpected moments.
Rebecca De Mornay steals the show as a nice
proper but psycho mother.
This is from the same director who
did most of the "Saw" movies.
Crazy moments like when they made the two guys fight with
a country song playing in the background.
Lots of crazy torture scenes.
One original torture scene I've never seen before
is the scene where they pour boiling water to make
one guy go deaf.
The acting was a little cheesy but
it's all about the craziness with the family.
I first heard about this back in Fantastic Fest 2010.
Now that it's out on DVD, I had to see it for Home Invasion Night.
Must buy for the collection.