Every fourth Friday of every month this year,
I'll be checking out a kung fu movie of any period.
Gives me an excuse to kick the walls and break
blocks of wood. Also gives me the excuse to
go to I Luv Video or Vulcan Video and catch up on
some great kung fu flicks out there.
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow
Very badass and funny kung fu movie we have here.
Very cheesy.
I think because it's because I saw the dubbed version.
This is a hard to find movie.
It's with Jackie Chan and directed by Woo-Ping Yuen
who choreographed lots of movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,
Kill Bill and others. Actually, this is his first movie
he's ever directed.
This reminded me a lot of Drunken Master.
Maybe because they both have Chan and that old dude that
trains him.
Love the silly fights.
I first heard about this one about two years ago
when Fantastic Fest brought a special screening of this
with Woo-pin Yuen in attendance.
Must buy for Kung fu fans.
Typical stuff but this one has a unique cat style.
Cover your private parts at all times.