This was more of a love story than a war film.
But it takes place after the Pearl Harbor attacks.
Hell, it was made during that same year.
It was okay. I probably would never want to
see it again. Nothing really memorable.
Like most old movies, the audio doesn't sync
with the picture.
Grade= D
WW2 Classic Film #5

Ski Troop Attack
I liked this one a little better than the previous WW2 classic.
The whole thing was only an hour long.
Maybe, that's what I liked about it.
Short and simple.
Here we have a group of troops in the snow
looking to clear out any Germans in the area.
The ski idea is ridiculous.
It kinda felt like a grindhouse picture.
There was moments where it was jumpy.
Then I realized this was directed by Roger Corman
(one of the early directors who produced a shit load
of grindhouse flicks).

Grade: Between a D+ and a C-