District 13: Ultimatum I didn't like it as much as the first one. Where the first one was non-stop action, this one slows down a bit. It has a similar plot to the first one but this one had more characters (some weren't developed well enough). Some cool action scenes made it alright.
District B13 Badass French action film we got here. Written by Luc Besson. Non stop action. I was blown away from the very beginning. The sequel to this (which I'll be seeing tomorrow) played at Fantastic Fest last year. That's how I heard about it. There's a few likeable characters. The fighting scenes were okay. But, what kicked ass, was the chase scene where that one dude was jumping all over the place. Good solid story. Fucking "A" in my book.
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Fantastic show!! Another typical Terry Gilliam fantasy film. Love the originality. Tom Waits plays a good devil. Enjoyed the film as a whole, but it's not up there with my favorite Gilliam films (which are Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Brazil, and 12 Monkeys). One of my favorite scenes in this, is the trippy musical scene with the Russians. The ending was a bit confusing to me, but it felt magical. If you're fan of Terry Gilliam, this is a must see. For everyone else, this is a decent picture that needs to be seen more than once.
This month's director is David Cronenberg. Earlier today, I saw The Dead Zone. Tonight, I wrap up this month's director with one of his earliest cult masterpiece:
Scanners A little trippy with a grindhouse feel. Enjoyed it. Famous head explosion of the early 80's. I saw Cronenberg's style big time in here. Most of his films have to do with transformation, changes, and/or deformities of the human body. And this is no exception. Another kudos. I've become more of a fan of this director after having seeing most of his films. I'll eventually see his other films that I didn't get a chance to see yet (Rabid, Naked Lunch, and etc.).
In my opinion, Cronenberg does not have a bad film (at least on the ones I've seen). So, here's my most favorite to least favorite: Eastern Promises The Fly A History of Violence The Brood The Dead Zone Dead Ringers Videodrome Scanners Spider Crash
This month's director is David Cronenberg. And now for the fourth Cronenberg film this month: The Dead Zone Basic story that kicks ass. Christopher Walken's character is very convincing. Martin Sheen plays one hell of an evil politician. Kudos to Cronenberg for another great movie. I heard about this movie a long time ago. For some reason, I never had the chance to see it. I'm glad I did now. This is up there with my most favorites.
This month's director is David Cronenberg. Last night, I saw two of his exploitation films, and tonight is one of his breakthrough films.
Dead Ringers This is now my favorite performance by Jeremy Irons. Subtle film by Cronenberg. I like that he doesn't go over the top for the sake of going over the top, but instead, he does it with style. This is another movie that reminds me of "The Fly." Tragic story. Identical twins can be hectic. Cronenberg classic.
Friday at the Grindhouse and Catching Up With A Director Segment Presents:
A David Cronenberg Double Feature
This month, I'll be watching five films I've never seen before from director David Cronenberg. The only ones I've seen are: The Fly Crash Spider A History of Violence and Eastern Promises.
He's got a lot of other films, including his early works, which are mostly Canadian exploitation films. So, to kill two birds with one stone, tonight's Grindhouse screening are two back to back exploitation films from Cronenberg.
The Brood Twisted flick. Loved it. These "abnormal" kids gave me the chills. This movie reminded me of "The Fly." It gives you some information little by little, then at the end, all hell breaks loose. Badass cinema, my friends.
Videodrome This one is one hell of a trip. My mind was going crazy halfway through. I have to rewatch this again to understand it a little more. "Long live the new flesh." The third act has a Taxi Driver feel to it. All the crazy stuff that happens here is unbelievable. Technology, hallucinations, mind warps are fused together and this came out way before "The Matrix." My body kept wanting to go to sleep. I drifted away a few times during this movie, but from what I remembered, overall I thought it was alright. A little too bizarre for me.
Who Can Kill A Child? This is a spanish exploitation flick about children who are damn evil. The first two acts are a slow setup for that crazy third act. Love that infamous human piñata scene. I heard about this movie for the first time a while back. My friend, Ramon, found an interview with Eli Roth saying that this movie and Cannibal Holocaust are two of his favorite movies or something. I ended up putting this movie on my blockbuster queue. But it took forever to finally be available. And here we are. They say that this is controversial. It wasn't that extreme, but I can see why they say that about this. This is crazy for its time. Good structure and plot.
New Release Tuesdays Presents: The Lovely Bones Long, but intense. Like the performances in this film. Never read the book (not much of a book reader), but I liked the story here. Everything was good except for a few parts towards the end (didn't like the poet guy kissing the ghost). One of the most intense scenes I've seen in a while takes place when Suzie's sister breaks into the killer's house. My heart was pounding a little. Beautiful colors. Decent entertainment.
Bitch Slap B movie trashy masterpiece with some chicks, guns, blood, and action. That sums up this whole movie. The plot was made to be a little ridiculous. Of course, not to take seriously. This was a little fun. Cheesy one-liners and some bad acting. I don't know if they did that on purpose or not. But, I thought it was okay for this kind of movie. The editing sucks a little. If you like these new movies that have been coming out that pays tribute to exploitation and vintage flicks (like Hellride, Sukiyaki Western Django, and Planet Terror), then check this out. If not, then I don't recommend it.
Slammin' Salmon Not quite up there with my favorite Broken Lizard movie, Beerfest. But, it's semi decent. I was cracking up during the first half. I used to work in the restaurant service industry for 3 years during college (Midland Country Club), so I can relate to this environment and some of the jokes. Love some of the exaggerations, but I felt the story wasn't strong enough to say, "wow!" Good for a one night stand of entertainment. If you decide to watch this, order you the swordfish and a special dessert containing a poop flavored ring.
Defendor I guess, it was alright. Nothing to make a big fuzz about. The movie is a little depressing. There's some good comedic moments, but it's slow and boring at times. Saw this tonight because I saw "Kick Ass" earlier, and I was in the mood to see another superhero movie in the same vein. I love the concept on this movie. The superhero here (played by Woody Harrelson) gets his ass kicked a shit load of times, but he has a good heart. He doesn't have special gadgets, he uses low budget things like marbles or lime juice. This is a cross between Mirageman and Taxi Driver. If that mix interests you, then check this out. If not, you're not missing anything special.
Kick Ass The title says it all. I ordered me a Midnight Expresso Shake right before this movie to get my sugar levels going. This movie starts out with a decent flow and moves rapidly to a great level of "awesomeness." Let re-phrase that, it goes from decent to awesome to awesomeness. The climax pays off. To me, this was "Mirageman meets Superbad," but with its own style. Hit Girl steals the show. Highly recommended! Also, if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend Mirageman (an independent superhero movie from Chile).
Kung Fu Panda Sweet kung fu animation. It was definitely a fun time. The plot was awesome. Only Jack Black can pull off voicing a dumb panda who later kicks ass. The storyline is the usual kung fu situation. This reminded me of several kung fu flicks worth mentioning, 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Iron Monkey and my personal favorite: Five Fingers of Death. I feel like watching more. Props to my friend from work, Mike, who persuaded me to watch this on Animation Night this month. I'm sure, most have seen this. If you're one of those poor unfortunate souls like me who avoided watching this for a long time, do yourself a favor, watch it.
Spaghetti Western Night Presents: The Grand Duel Decent western we have here. Not as violent as I thought it was going to be. Lee Van Cleef plays the usual role as the man in black. The best part of this movie is the wonderful score from Luis Bacalov (including the theme song of this movie which is also featured in Kill Bill Vol 1). My favorite part is when they reveal who killed the father of the three brothers. There's a nice little standoff at the end of the movie. Not as good as other spaghetti westerns but not as bad as some of the bad ones. This is a hard to find. The DVD I bought, has a poor quality transfer of this movie. This is recommended only for fans of the genre, especially if you're fan of Death Rides A Horse.
New Release Tuesdays Presents: Pirate Radio The badass soundtrack makes this movie worth to see. My favorite Rolling Stones song is on here, and I got a little crazy whenever it came on. We have a good cast and a decent story. It's Titanic without the penguin suits. It's the "in your face rebellion" story. The music says it all. Good decent movie for a good time. Now, I need to buy the soundtrack and put it in the ipod.
Tenure Nice little comedy with some heart. It has an artsy feel to it. And if you're fan of bigfoot, then you got to see this. There was a few smiles here and there. This is not a laughing comedy, but a smart one. If the movie "Freedom Writers" got together with the movie "Rushmore", then this must be their baby.
Linda's Chick Flick Night Presents: The Time Traveler's Wife Linda's pick for this month was this part drama part sci fi flick. By looking at the trailer, I thought, here's this typical romance drama. After watching this, it was quite good. It's more drama than romance. At first it was somewhat confusing, but then I got the hang of it. The casting was great. There's sad sappy moments, but it's necessary for this kind of story. So my final comment is, this is a good movie to watch with your better half.
Black Devil Doll Holy crap!! I knew what I was getting myself into. I heard this was so bad that it's good. I had to get this out of my system. So I say it again, "holy crap!!" And crap it is. I had a few beers with me to be able to enjoy this. So this is what I thought, the first 30 minutes of getting to know this doll was actually funny. Stupid funny. Very low budget feel. The rest of the film was a little annoying. The bloody scenes wasn't all that. Basically, the first half was kinda like a soft core porn, and the second half was the killing scenes. Both done very cheesy, of course. I don't think I ever want to see this again. And I strongly don't recommend this to no one. At your own risk.
Deep Red For today's movie standards, this isn't scary. There were some scary scenes, but not overall. For its time period, this is some crazy shit. I like the beginning sequence. The camera shots were also good. The story was not that impressive for me. But I do like this slasher flick as a whole. I've only seen one other Dario Argento film. That film was, Suspiria. I enjoyed Deep Red just a little more than Suspiria. The only other things I didn't like about this one was the pacing of the movie and the ending.
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Not bad. Unexpectedly weird slow driven film. Nicholas Cage's performance was wonderful (a lot better than the crap he's been in for the past few years). Love the trippy hallucination scenes. For a second there, I thought I was high with this dude. I was expecting a little more action. Movie is a little over two hours, you got to be a little patient. Expect some strangeness and a little bit of confusion. This was okay, nothing more and nothing less.
Documentary Night Presents: Capitalism: A Love Story The latest from Michael Moore wasn't exactly one of his best. I'm a fan of Michael Moore. Regardless, if he's full of shit or not, he makes interesting documentaries. This one got me a little confused in the first half. The flow is usually better in his other films. For some reason, that wasn't working for me here. The overall message was clear. Like his past two films, there's less humor and more serious stuff. I think this is the first time I heard Moore say a few bad words like "What the fuck?" This is for Moore fans only. For everybody else, I recommend Bowling for Columbine (my favorite Moore documentary).
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex Good action scenes in this hardcore political thriller. But, it was a long ass movie. This needs multiple viewings to process all the information. I lost track of what was going on half the time. Love the use of music on here (the beginning and the final credits). This was both crazy and intense. Can't believe this was all based on true events by actual terrorists. This German flick is not for the regular movie person. If you like movies like Sophie Scholl: The Final Days or Che, then check this out. I thought it was decent.